• 31 августа 2018, пятница
  • Минск, ул. Фрунзе, 2 (парк им. Горького)

Lecture «SpaceJob is not a dream..!»

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Минский Планетарий
2292 дня назад
31 августа 2018, начало в 17:00
ул. Фрунзе, 2 (парк им. Горького)

Project «Scientist’s Tribune» to the Minsk Planetarium

SPACE needs YOU…!!!

With approach of autumn the project «Scientist’s Tribune» returns to the Minsk Planetarium. We have prepared for you an interesting lecture «SpaceJob is not a dream.!» from the Space Engineer Alev Sonmez, as an intellectual gift to the Knowledge Day. He works as a Development Engineer for Satellite Structures in OHB (Germany, third biggest space company in Europe) and can tell, how to enter the space field if you did not study aerospace.

Did you ever dreamt of being an astronaut? Or have you ever thought of influencing the worlds future? Yes, a job in the space field ia not a dream. A space professional Alev Sonmez is here to give you tips about how to enter the Space field. No matter if you are an engineer, lawyer, doctor, social scientist or an artist.

We meet at the same place — in the starry hall of the Minsk Planetarium on 31th August, 2018 at 5 p.m. 
And as the tradition, after the lecture you will be guided by a fascinating starry sky in Russian language.

Admission is free, but you should register by clicking on the link below.


P.S.  Alev Sonmez worked on the following projects:

MTG: Meteosat Third Geaneration (Third generation European Weather Satellite) Galileo: European GPS Sattelite System (Like russian GLONASS)

ExoMars: Mars Gas Trace Orbiter

Hispasat: Teleconnunication Satellite

Electra: Europe’s Second Electrically Propelled Telecomminication Satellite (lighter and more efficient)


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